
In GoodNews,
we don't forget about you!

As coffee experts, we have decided to go one step further and enter the world of tea. People say you have to try new things, don't they? And if you are team tea... Now you have a place with us too!
And now you may be wondering... WHAT DOES TEA HAVE TO DO WITH GOODNEWS?

As you know, at GoodNews we want the best for our Good People. And that not only means Good Vibes, but also Wellbeing. Because when you're well on the inside... it shows on the outside. We already presented the boosts months ago, and now comes the tea version of them. Yes, as you hear, our Good Teas are not just teas, but we've given them an extra healthy twist: welcome to the era of FUNCTIONAL TEAS.


As always, we don't settle for the basics. We wanted to take our tea blends to the next level to create an unrivalled range of teas and infusions that will help our Good People feel their best.

Our experts have blended botanicals, natural fruits, vitamins and magic spells (well, maybe not spells, but almost) to create a unique range of teas that offer different functionalities to make our Good People a better version of themselves. Your usual tea, with extra ingredients that make it functional.

Good Tea, Feels Good!

Ready to discover them?

Let's start with the introductions to our Good Teas. Be warned: it will be difficult to choose.